MATELA Scholarships and Awards (NCTE Awards are below.)
Montana Writing Project
Applications are available from
Montana Writing Project
Department of English
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts (MATELA)
Professional Development Scholarship Awards
To support the professional development of its members, MATELA will fund up to three $500.00 scholarships available for members in good standing. Applicants for Professional Development Scholarships must have been active MATELA members for at least three years or have a paid up membership for three years, must have an administrator recommend professional leave, if applicable, and must submit application materials to the current MATELA President or Awards Chair at least three months prior to the event date.
PD Scholarships are intended to help offset the expenses associated with attending a national or regional National Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (NCTE) convention or conference, National Writing Project (NWP) workshops or summer institutes—such as the Montana or the Yellowstone Writing Project, or Indian Education for All (IEFA) focused seminars and training. Recipients of the scholarship may have some responsibilities at the conference and are expected to write an article for the UPDATE or Montana English Journal (MEJ) about their experiences AND conduct a workshop session, either at the school, district, or state level, to share their learning. The annual October Educators’ Conference is the preferred venue for this workshop. Complete and send the MATELA Professional Development Scholarship form to the MATELA Awards Chair
MATELA Enrichment Grants (MEG)
Through the MATELA Enrichment Grant program, MATELA demonstrates value and respect for both the intellectual and the social needs of its members and the importance of maintaining a balance between the two. By providing financial support to help defray the costs of events and projects, a MEG gathers MATELA members and guest participants together to be educated, entertained, and inspired by activities outside their classrooms, while networking with other English/language arts colleagues. MATELA offers up to six MEGs of up to $500 each during its fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). For complete details and application process, see the MEG support page.
MATELA Local Membership Function Grants
Awarded in amounts of up to $500, these grants are offered to help offset the expenses associated with facilitating a focused discussion group or specialized workshop for English language arts teachers in a local area. The grant recipient may use funds to pay a guest speaker, rent a meeting room, and/or purchase food/refreshments. The grant recipient may invite all English language arts teachers in his/her region to promote MATELA membership and to provide MATELA services to members in the area for a one-time meeting or series of meetings (on-going writing or book discussion group). Application, letter, and follow-up article—complete with electronic pictures for publication—to report on the event are required.
*NOTE* MATELA will disburse scholarship and grant award funds in two installments, with the first payable upon evidence of conference attendance or event occurrence. That evidence will be sent to MATELA’s Treasurer, who will remit a check for 2/5 of the award amount. Within one year, recipients must fulfill the other stipulations of the award. Once these obligations have been met, the remaining award balance will be disbursed.
MATELA Distinguished Educator Award
This is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of a deserving colleague.
Criteria include instructional competency, involvement in school and community, and leadership roles. See the Distinguished Educator Nomination form for more information concerning criteria.
Complete Distinguished Educator Nominations form (PDF link) and send to:
Donna L. Miller
280 Do Drop In Road
Chinook, MT 59523
NCTE Sponsored Awards for Students:
NCTE offers several awards for students and teachers. Visit the awards page for more information.
NCTE Awards Page
Achievement Awards in Writing (for 11th grade students)
This school-based writing program encourages high school students in their writing and publicly recognizes some of the best student writers in the nation.
NCTE's Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines (PRESLM) honors exceptional student literary magazines from senior high, junior high, and middle schools in the United States, Canada, and from American schools abroad. The student magazines are evaluated with primary emphasis on literary aspects, although production values and the extent of student participation in production are also factors.
NCTE's Promising Young Writers Program (PYW) honors excellent eighth-grade writers. Students submit a sample of their best work, as well as write an impromptu essay. This program recognizes the achievement of individual students, as well as the school and the school's teachers, programs, and instruction. Since 2000, nearly 2,000 students have participated in this program, with over 800 winning the honor.
NCTE Sponsored Awards for Teachers:
NCTE High School Teacher of Excellence. Annually, each affiliate will determine one person in that affiliate to receive this award from the Secondary Section. The purpose of the award is to recognize and celebrate high school classroom teachers.
NCTE Leadership Development Award.
Annually, an affiliate may nominate an early career teacher (1-5 years experience) who has never attended an NCTE Annual Convention and who has demonstrated a capacity for professional leadership as well as a willingness to join and participate in the affiliate during the upcoming academic year.
Applications are available from
Montana Writing Project
Department of English
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts (MATELA)
Professional Development Scholarship Awards
To support the professional development of its members, MATELA will fund up to three $500.00 scholarships available for members in good standing. Applicants for Professional Development Scholarships must have been active MATELA members for at least three years or have a paid up membership for three years, must have an administrator recommend professional leave, if applicable, and must submit application materials to the current MATELA President or Awards Chair at least three months prior to the event date.
PD Scholarships are intended to help offset the expenses associated with attending a national or regional National Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (NCTE) convention or conference, National Writing Project (NWP) workshops or summer institutes—such as the Montana or the Yellowstone Writing Project, or Indian Education for All (IEFA) focused seminars and training. Recipients of the scholarship may have some responsibilities at the conference and are expected to write an article for the UPDATE or Montana English Journal (MEJ) about their experiences AND conduct a workshop session, either at the school, district, or state level, to share their learning. The annual October Educators’ Conference is the preferred venue for this workshop. Complete and send the MATELA Professional Development Scholarship form to the MATELA Awards Chair
MATELA Enrichment Grants (MEG)
Through the MATELA Enrichment Grant program, MATELA demonstrates value and respect for both the intellectual and the social needs of its members and the importance of maintaining a balance between the two. By providing financial support to help defray the costs of events and projects, a MEG gathers MATELA members and guest participants together to be educated, entertained, and inspired by activities outside their classrooms, while networking with other English/language arts colleagues. MATELA offers up to six MEGs of up to $500 each during its fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). For complete details and application process, see the MEG support page.
MATELA Local Membership Function Grants
Awarded in amounts of up to $500, these grants are offered to help offset the expenses associated with facilitating a focused discussion group or specialized workshop for English language arts teachers in a local area. The grant recipient may use funds to pay a guest speaker, rent a meeting room, and/or purchase food/refreshments. The grant recipient may invite all English language arts teachers in his/her region to promote MATELA membership and to provide MATELA services to members in the area for a one-time meeting or series of meetings (on-going writing or book discussion group). Application, letter, and follow-up article—complete with electronic pictures for publication—to report on the event are required.
*NOTE* MATELA will disburse scholarship and grant award funds in two installments, with the first payable upon evidence of conference attendance or event occurrence. That evidence will be sent to MATELA’s Treasurer, who will remit a check for 2/5 of the award amount. Within one year, recipients must fulfill the other stipulations of the award. Once these obligations have been met, the remaining award balance will be disbursed.
MATELA Distinguished Educator Award
This is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of a deserving colleague.
Criteria include instructional competency, involvement in school and community, and leadership roles. See the Distinguished Educator Nomination form for more information concerning criteria.
Complete Distinguished Educator Nominations form (PDF link) and send to:
Donna L. Miller
280 Do Drop In Road
Chinook, MT 59523
NCTE Sponsored Awards for Students:
NCTE offers several awards for students and teachers. Visit the awards page for more information.
NCTE Awards Page
Achievement Awards in Writing (for 11th grade students)
This school-based writing program encourages high school students in their writing and publicly recognizes some of the best student writers in the nation.
NCTE's Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines (PRESLM) honors exceptional student literary magazines from senior high, junior high, and middle schools in the United States, Canada, and from American schools abroad. The student magazines are evaluated with primary emphasis on literary aspects, although production values and the extent of student participation in production are also factors.
NCTE's Promising Young Writers Program (PYW) honors excellent eighth-grade writers. Students submit a sample of their best work, as well as write an impromptu essay. This program recognizes the achievement of individual students, as well as the school and the school's teachers, programs, and instruction. Since 2000, nearly 2,000 students have participated in this program, with over 800 winning the honor.
NCTE Sponsored Awards for Teachers:
NCTE High School Teacher of Excellence. Annually, each affiliate will determine one person in that affiliate to receive this award from the Secondary Section. The purpose of the award is to recognize and celebrate high school classroom teachers.
NCTE Leadership Development Award.
Annually, an affiliate may nominate an early career teacher (1-5 years experience) who has never attended an NCTE Annual Convention and who has demonstrated a capacity for professional leadership as well as a willingness to join and participate in the affiliate during the upcoming academic year.
Promoting literacy for all learners.
The Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts promotes the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
The Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts promotes the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
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