Upcoming Meetings and Conferences
The following meetings and professional conferences may be of interest to members.
For more information national meetings, contact the NCTE Membership Service Representative at 800/369-6283.
MFPE Educators' Conference
October 17-18, 2024, Bozeman
For information about the conference and the online conference program, visit:
NCTE Annual Convention
Affiliate Editor Report
The Affiliate Editor report for Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts (MATELA) is due
July 15. Please find instructions and all the reporting forms at
Affiliate Editor Report.
For more information national meetings, contact the NCTE Membership Service Representative at 800/369-6283.
MFPE Educators' Conference
October 17-18, 2024, Bozeman
For information about the conference and the online conference program, visit:
NCTE Annual Convention
Affiliate Editor Report
The Affiliate Editor report for Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts (MATELA) is due
July 15. Please find instructions and all the reporting forms at
Affiliate Editor Report.
Promoting literacy for all learners.
The Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts promotes the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
The Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts promotes the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
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